Keep Going

Writing is a lonely experience.

Sure, if you’re lucky, you’re able to cultivate a group of friends and colleagues who you trust but more importantly, trust your voice enough to provide clarity — that helps.

When you’re in the trenches of your story — it’s daunting.

Those trenches are dark, scary, filled with ghosts of your past, filled with spirits that you’ve never met — but all unified to tell you that you should turn back, you should stop, you should get a job.

Though, in that darkness, once in a (long it seems) while, you finally hear a voice that says…

Keep going.

You’ll never know when that voice is going to speak up, and it’ll never be on a day of significance - instead, it’ll be a particularly ordinary Tuesday.

Time Zone, my TV pilot script, has recently made it to Number 4 on Coverfly’s The Red List for Thriller Television, and it comes in no small part on the heels of Time Zone becoming a Semifinalist in the Austin Film Festival’s Script Competition.

I’m very humbled.

For those unfamiliar with Coverfly’s The Red List, it’s a ranking of unproduced screenplays that have done well in reputable competitions. It’s an honor to have Time Zone listed alongside some truly great work. The list is a wonderful resource for writers, helping scripts get visibility in the industry.

Honestly, it’s the voice that keeps me writing and, for anyone reading this that is knee-deep in the muck of ones own trenches, let me be the voice reaching out in the dark for a moment —

Keep going.
